Getting back into needles

Knitting Needles of course! I heard a rumour that my family in the west have been waiting with bated breath to hear what my big surprise was.  What surprise? You may remember that I wasn’t blogging a few weeks ago because I was working on a surprise.  Well, here it is – prepare to be disappointed unless of course your name is Jonas or Kristen, in which case I can only assume you are happily enjoying these…

Wedding gift of the century

Jonas and Kristen got hitched a couple of weeks ago.  It was wet, it was green, it was a REALLY good time!  What’s with the socks?  They had a wedding that fit with their mission to live as sustainably as possible.  They were married at a tree farm, they collected wild flowers the day before, and they made a request that if you were going to get them something for their wedding, to please do so with their choice to live sustainably in mind.  Reuse, regift, make something, bake something, gift certificates for things to do, promote a local artisans, get them something that grows.  As soon as I found out I was up for the challenge and the Boy and I started to try and think of something creative we could get them.  We hadn’t really had much success, and we hadn’t settled on anything until 2 weeks before I had a brain wave.  I could knit them socks!

One problem… I’ve been “knitting the Boy’s socks” for about 8 months now.  I only had 2 weeks.

What can I say, I love a challenge and work well with a pressured deadline.  I headed out to the wool store on Monday (that brought me to 12 days away) and found some delightful sock yarn for boy socks and I knit. I knit and knit and knit.  I knit on my lunch break, I knit as soon as I got home until I went to bed.  I knit and knit and knit. And I finished them.  1 pair of socks for a boy with days to spare.  Just one problem… there were two people getting married!  Luckily my mom has a love of knitting socks and gave me some to choose from.  The deal – I need to replace what I gave.  No problem, it’s not like the yarn is still in an untouched ball or anything.  Hmm… maybe she should give me a deadline!

Anyway, that’s where I was.  Contrary to popular belief I don’t generally blog at work… only if I’m feeling completely inspired and can bang it out in a few short minutes.  So since I was mad knitting that left no time for blogging!  Sorry to get your hopes up Alberta family –  no ring, no wedding plans… just needles. Knitting needles that is.

Full report on the awesome evening that was Jonas and Kristen getting hitched tomorrow!

4 responses

  1. Thanks for stopping in Melinda! Socks are super easy and surprisingly a great beginner project. Most of it is plain knitting, but you have to use a variety of stiches and techniques to turn the heal. Once you figure out just how that is working you’re off to the races and can take on any new project you choose! Plus there is limited sewing (my least favourite part) and with all of the awesome sock yarn that’s out there people are super impressed because they look like you used all different colours to create this masterpiece when all along it’s just the yarn digitally died to look that way!

  2. I’ve not done socks yet (except for a sock scarf – and that was like 10 socks) – and, yes, it is time to get my knitting for Christmas going – and finish up the shawl I’ve been literally laboring over! Knitting is the one stress-free thing I do – unless I’m backing out of a mistake! LOL

    • Stress-free and mindless. You are talking to the QUEEN of ripping out and starting again. I’ve usually done enough stitches to knit whatever I’m working on twice by the time I’ve finished. Typically it’s not even a noticable mistake, but once I know it’s there I can’t go on. But ripping it out is cathartic all on its own.

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