101 in 1001

What is 101 in 1001? It’s 101 goals in 1001 days.

Start date: July 20 2010

End Date: April 13 2013

I’ve got approximately 2.75 years to complete all of the things on my list. Here’s how the website describes the project:
The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple challenges such as New Year’s resolutions or a ‘Bucket List’. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.

The added bonus for bloggers – it keeps you blogging, and gives material to blog about!

This page is where you can check in on my list and see how I’m doing.  I’ll post the evidence when I’ve completed something.  By telling all my loyal followers I’m going to accomplish all of these things the idea is that I feel accountable and actually follow through.

Wish me luck!

101 in 1001:

  1. 365 day photo challenge
  2. Complete a colouring book
  3. Say “Yes” November 5, 2010 Evidence
  4. Say “Yes” to the Dress It took some time so you can find the evidence here and here
  5. Say “I do” to the Boy I love September 10 2011 – and it was AWESOME!!
  6. Reach 500 blog posts
  7. Ride my bike to work everyday for 1 week
  8. Knit 12 pairs of socks in 12 months
  9. Get a better job Double the $ and benefits? I’d say that’s better October 11 2011
  10. Contribute to RRSPs
  11. Cook every recipe in a cookbook
  12. Try 50 new recipes (50/50)
  13. Live allergen free for one month
  14. Live vegetarian for 1 week – twice (2/2)
  15. Go on date night with the Boy twice per month (13/66)
  16. Get a legitimate golf score for a full 18 holes 124 Baby – 5/22/2011 Evidence
  17. Beat that score by 10 strokes
  18. Read at least 1 book per month (6/33)
  19. Upgrade my camera (Thanks Santa for helping me out with that one – Dec 25 2010) (Didn’t think this would be one that I’d be overachieving in Nikon D90 October 9, 2011)
  20. Donate blood
  21. Take a camera course
  22. Learn Photoshop
  23. Learn the Adobe Suite
  24. Kayak in the Everglades
  25. Visit 3 cities I’ve never been before – LasVegas Baby!
  26. Visit New York, New York
  27. See three plays (3/3) To Kill a Mockingbird, 2/12/2011; Billy Elliot the Musical 2/17/2011 Evidence; Rent! Sometime in December 2012 I can’t remember
  28. Go on a wine tasting tour (August 6, 2011) Evidence
  29. Visit Calgary and Edmonton (Didn’t visit Edmonton – too far and too quick a trip, but did see our Edmonton peeps so that counts right?)  March 31 – April 4 Evidence
  30. Complete a 100 push-up challenge
  31. Get to my ideal weight and stay there
  32. Buy a piece of art  Bought not 1 but 2 beautiful pieces of Meaghan and The Boy Photography art
  33. Knit 16 baby toques and donate them to our local hospital
  34. Write a knitting pattern for socks and post it on Ravelry
  35. Swim lengths
  36. Take a cooking class
  37. Put change in someone’s expired parking meter
  38. Get a puppy
  39. Dance in the living room
  40. Add a new veggie to the garden  peppers, zucchini, kale, tomatoes, OH MY!
  41. Make a meal entirely out of the garden
  42. Try snowboarding
  43. Go someplace warm in the winter
  44. Go camping
  45. Ski every winter
  46. Golf in a charity golf tournament (2/2)
  47. Set a budget and stick to it for at least 6 months
  48. Finish knitting the boy’s socks August 24, 2010 Evidence
  49. Sponsor a woman at Christmas Christmas 2011
  50. Purge the apartment one room at a time.
  51. Clean out my closet twice each year and donate whatever I’m not wearing to charity
  52. Random act of kindness for BFF Kate
  53. Do a cleanse
  54. Save $10,000
  55. Plan a Sistas Date
  56. Have my parents over for dinner
  57. Have the boy’s parents over for dinner
  58. Support a CSA farmer We didn’t grocery store shop for veggies once this summer! CHECK!
  59. Finish rereading all Harry Potter books
  60. Get and watch all Harry Potter movies – (Got them for Christmas 2011 8/8)
  61. Make a month-long meal plan
  62. Make a long-term financial plan
  63. Have a pajama day (January 7 2011)
  64. Make a button for my blog
  65. Go to a concert
  66. Write a note and leave it in a book for a stranger to find
  67. Sign my house (Since I already did this before my official start date – I’m changing this to go on a date with Erin)
  68. Learn French
  69. Have a conversation in French
  70. Dry herbs I froze them instead – but it still counts.
  71. Go on a girls weekend (3/3)
  72. Take dance lessons with the boy
  73. Watch the sunrise and sunset in Florida in the same day November 6, 2010 Evidence
  74. Knit 3 projects for other people (10/3) (Christmas made quick work of this one) Evidence
  75. Go skating 10 times (6/10)
  76. Buy a new couch
  77. Bake a pie – (Easter 2011 – Grandma approved)
  78. Bake the boy cookies without him asking (6/6) Evidence
  79. Unpack the last box Evidence
  80. Put everything “in it’s spot” to the boy’s OCD standards for 1 week (1/3)
  81. Have a pajama day
  82. Bake vegan cupcakes
  83. Have a picnic in a park
  84. Listen to an audio book
  85. Grow lettuce all year long
  86. Go to the drive-in   Bridesmaids, Hangover 2, The Other Guys,
  87. Random act of kindness for BFF Kristyn
  88. Go to a ballet
  89. Drink 8 glasses of water per day for 1 month (Thanks Water Tracker! – March 2011)
  90. Switch over to my Gmail account
  91. Go on a dressed up date with the boy (2/15)
  92. Meet with Career Counselor at work and make a plan
  93. Create a personal website
  94. Read all of the Giller Prize winners
  95. Get up and start my day with the boy every day for 1 week – this would now involve sleeping in, since I get up before him now… since I’m getting up to go to the gym, before work – I’m counting this as complete
  96. Go to a yarn show
  97. Inspire someone else to write a 101 in 1001 list September 3, 2010 Evidence
  98. Go on a week long vacation with just The Boy by ourselves. – Still no, but we are planning 2 weeks away this summer!!
  99. Donate $5 for everything not completed
  100. Write a new 101 list when this one is completed
  101. Go above the minimum on at least 5 of the items.

10 responses

  1. Pingback: The Proposal « The Twenties Roar

  2. Pingback: YouTube Friday « The Twenties Roar

  3. Pingback: Going Legit « The Twenties Roar

  4. Pingback: The Cat Came Back – Clean Eating 2.0 « The Twenties Roar

  5. Pingback: Happy Thanksgiving! « The Twenties Roar

  6. Pingback: A date in wine country « The Twenties Roar

  7. Pingback: One More Week « The Twenties Roar

  8. Pingback: Muscle Beach 2012 | The Ginger & The Giant

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