YouTube Friday

This week I took a stumble.  Not really a stumble – a full out fall and sprawl.

I have a history of being a bit clumsy/accident prone.  It usually happens when I’m trying extra hard to be careful.

This time – I just wasn’t paying attention.

I was leaving my appointment with our photographer (Check! A post on that next week – I ran out of days this week!) I sort of slipped on the ice, kind of tripped over the slope of the sidewalk, and may have flat out fallen over my own feet.

I hurt my knee. I hurt my ankle.  I quickly gathered my stuff and check to see that no one was staring at me sprawled out on the sidewalk.  I was reminded of the time I was running for the subway and ended up sprawled out across the empty platform while the subway doors binged closed and off the passengers went – watching me sprawled out on the floor. This was less embarrassing since no one was there. I got myself to the car and yelled OW!!!

Today my knee is still scrapped, my ankle feels better, but my ass is killing me!

A knee on it's own looks really weird doesn't it? Pay no attention - just note the red and purpleyness

So to celebrate my clumsiness I give you a compilation of falling:

And a possible solution to help me get around without getting hurt (Thanks Lynn this made me smile yesterday!)

When a knitter gets hitched

It’s started.  I’ve ventured into the world of Wedding DIY.  I didn’t think I was going to do much… but I think I may have caught the bug.

It started with a post from It’s Simple Love which led me straight to the source – Ruche for what seemed to be a really straight forward How-to.  Blow up a balloon, dunk yarn in glue with water wrap yarn all over balloon, let it harden and enjoy.  Simple enough.

I passed the email along to the Sista and Mom, and asked if they were having visions because I sure was!  Sista responded that she wasn’t having visions so much as flashbacks to when one of our aunts got married and our weekends were suddenly filled with crafting.  In that case painting small plant pots “so that each one is unique and different.”  I remembered it well too, each of us trying to get through as many as possible, not putting too much care or percision into it while my Aunt sat in pre-wedding bliss giving each pot special love and attention.  Did I mention we weren’t old enough to drink?  It definitely qualified as child-labour But of course we were just thrilled to help out!

I tried to entice the Sista with wine – she claimed that barely made it better, but since I’m her only sista and she loves me… she would do whatever I asked (I now have this in writing – muahahaha). I promised I’d make a prototype before we started making 100s.

I bought a starter set of supplies.

I tried a few different sizes.

I waited for them to harden.

I got bored of waiting and tried little tiny ones on sticks.

I carefully untied the balloons.

I’m in love.

Let the crafting BEGIN!

What did you DIY for your wedding? What are some great ideas you’ve seen?

Sometimes a Girl’s got to Apologize

The Boy and I got new iPhones last week.  I’m truly in love. We’ve been having lots of fun texting each other on the couch, having Facetime conversations while sitting right beside each other, and setting special ring tones for each other. When the Boy texts me I’ve chosen Choo Choo – I was thinking of the cartoons when Pepe la Pew is in love with the cat and a whistle appears above his head… the Boy said “Oh like Steamwhistle” (his favourite beer).   To each their own I guess.

The Boy has never had a cell phone – he’s slightly addicted.  He loves the full keyboard so his texting skills have VASTLY improved.  And I loved that this weekend when he was away I was able to send him a simple goodnight message and I got an “I love you” in return.  Sweet.

And then there’s the funny conversations. Like on Monday when we discussed grocery shopping, and the Boy decided he didn’t want to come but did have some requests:

  • Pop
  • Chips
  • Popcorn
  • Vachon cakes
  • Anything else good
  • Hamburger buns
  • Bok Choy

My response – Hamburger buns?

His – Yes

Me – Why?

His – For Hamburgers

Me – You’re going to BBQ? (he hasn’t done so in months since it’s so cold… you can understand my confusion)

Him – no response.

I laughed to myself at the odd combination of garbage food, hamburger buns and bok choy, and went about my merry way. As I was scouring the aisles for everything we needed I got a series of late requests.  Veggie dip and sour cream. And we mutually decided on what to have for dinner. Fajitas!

Then I got home.  I sent him a message when I was close – “Nearly there – need help” and when I was in the driveway, “Finally home help please.” and I made the first trek upstairs to find him lying on the couch. Anger reared its head. I went back downstairs and got the rest, stomped upstairs and thanked him for all the great help.  (There may have been a hint of sarcasm).

When he asked what was wrong I said – “You can send me messages all night long when you’ve got requests but when I ask you to help me suddenly you’re not answering your phone?” His response “I’m sorry I fell asleep!”  BAH.

We argued a little more – I’ll spare the details, I got over it and we made dinner.  He sent me a text message appology.  I laughed to myself at his iPhone addiction.

But then all night long he bothered me.  We talked about a trip we’re planning, and money, and the wedding. And while he was annoying me, and that’s okay it happens, I was completely over-reacting.  So I gave myself a time out and went to bed to read at 9:15.  Unfortunately, I think this came across as me being even more bitchy and mad. And I was mad… but mostly with myself for being such a crazy person.

I finished my book last night One Day by David Nicholls and the ending without spoiling it is just heartbreaking.  It talks about how we can’t fathom the rest of our lives because they are made up of so many individual days.  We can’t live like we’re dying everyday – there’s far too much to do and if I was dying tomorrow I would not have spent an hour and a half in a grocery store today… but sometimes you’ve just got to do that stuff.  But it did make me think I can take the live like you’re dying concept about being my best self – especially with the most important people in my life.

So I’m apologizing to the Boy AGAIN for being such a crazy person.  I’m really sorry. You are awesome and deserve my best.  I can’t promise it won’t happen again – it probably will… maybe even tomorrow – but I’m going to try and take off my grumpy pants whenever I walk in the door. And if I’m tipping the scale toward crazy, feel free to send me for another time out.

Maybe we should work that into our vows somehow?

How do you know when you need to apologize?

Continued looking… but then I stopped.

When we left off yesterday I had a favourite dress at Beckers and was getting to know my wedding dress style.  But I had another appointment waiting so I continued looking.

Next stop – Ritche’s another long-standing Toronto store. I met with a young consultant who asked me all kinds of questions and as I was now a pro at this – I actually had some answers.  I knew I had a tendency to like lighter fabrics.  Raw silk and organza.  She asked about toule and I said I hadn’t tried a toule dress (picturing ballerina bottom) and she said she had some things in mind, would pull some options and from there she would get an idea of what I was looking for.

Dress after dress had something I hated.  The toule dress? Wasn’t a ballerina skirt but a satin dress that was vomiting out toule in the bottom on only one side.  I saw giant bows, weird cuts on me, dresses with not enough in the boobs area.  And very. very. traditional.  They looked like wedding dresses – like the thousands of wedding dresses you see on TV – pretty, but not different.  Not unique. Not me. And NOT what I told her I was looking for. I was polite. I told her I liked the shapes, and told her the parts about the different dresses that I liked but none of them were for me. She continued to tell me how we could change a dress I didn’t like into something I did.  I was thinking with so many possibilities in this world – why on Earth would anyone start changing a dress to make it something it’s not.

I tried on one of the ones I had tried at Becker’s earlier.  A pick from my sister that I would have loved if I was having a more city wedding.  But I’m not. I tried it on again so Mom #2 could see. See look how pretty! At the end she brought me one raw silk dress.  It was cute and had pockets! (You may have to put in Style #4004). I love pockets in a dress.  LOVE THEM. But it didn’t do up and she wasn’t great about clamping the dress to my bra so I could get an idea of what it would look like.  All in all I was glad I kept the appointment – it was definitely helping me confirm my gut feelings. BTW the consultant I had at Ritche wrote down the designers of the two I liked but the style numbers she gave me were the store’s numbers not the designers.  This is very sneaky.  I didn’t realize until right now when I was trying to look them up.  I don’t like that.

At this point my sista’s words of wisdom was “You should cancel your appointment for tomorrow and go back to Becker’s.”  I didn’t listen.

Instead I went for the most delicious dinner in the whole world at Aqua Grill in Aurora. OMG so good.

Up at 6:30 for my follow-up MRI from my biopsy issues this summer – all is well no worries.  Picked up my Mom for a 10:00am appointment at Elmwood Brides in Aurora.

Here I met a lovely consultant Kristen.  She asked me a few questions, led me to their gown room, and told me to pull dresses I liked.  Big problem.  There were a lot that I liked the look of.  The dresses they had here – lot’s of Paloma Blanca dresses… lots with pockets! I tried on a HUGE ballroom dress that I was really intrigued by.  BEAUTIFUL but not me.  After dismissing most of the dresses I picked myself, Kristen went to work and pulled a bunch for me including Paloma Blanca 4152.  At this point I was not in love with anything.  When she zipped up this dress my response was “Congratulations Kristen, you’ve given me something to think about.” She was happy with that.  She left me to think about it (appreciated) and went to pull more.  I decided that while both my Mom and the Consultant said I had nothing to be self-conscious about I would feel very uncomfortable in that dress. It’s such a smooth front and smooth lines that I would be second guessing every single calorie from now until Sept 10. Not only that, but what if I ate too much on W-Day (unlikely I know) would I have a food baby in this dress? The stress was too much and the thought of standing the entire night with my hands clasped around my tummy was too much.  I moved on, but not before I decided if I was ever invited to a Presidential Ball, I would be back for it in another colour.

I tried a few more with wonderful pockets that I loved.  But I mostly just loved the pockets.  Then she pulled this dress.  While I immediately HATED the giant bow and still do – hideous, I did start questioning my W-Day vision.  Mom loved this dress.  Mom thought it was wonderful “I love the back!” and I thought it was a beautiful dress, minus the bow of course.  The question was did I want to be a princess? Or did I want to be comfortable? Did I want to be stunning in a traditional WOW way? Or stunning in a Meaghan way?  And did I want to carry around this VERY heavy dress?

In the end I stayed true to my W-Day vision and decided to be the most beautiful me I could be. We went to the car and I told my mom my decision.  We were going back to Becker’s.  I told her why I liked what is now My Dress.  She agreed.  I held up my hand to high-five making one more BIG decision.  Mom returned my five…. and burst into tears.

We called Becker’s and were told that the designer’s daughter was there taking measurements all day, so if we could make it down that would be best.  We grabbed ourselves a road-Chai Tea Latte and headed back town to Toronto to say “Yes” to the dress. I didn’t cry – Mom did of course.  But I definitely had “the feelings.”

Lot's of dresses but not too overwhelming

We took pictures – no you can’t see. And I let the lovely ladies there know I was a blogger and would definitely send some shout outs their way.  Here they are: if you are a Toronto bride – head to Becker’s I found their staff the most knowledgeable and professional.  Ask for Roza because she is THE BEST EVER and TOTALLY AWESOME!  And try on their in-house designer dresses by Barbara Allin.  I said I would reference her site too but she’s very private about her designs and doesn’t have one.  You just have to go and see her.

At Chester Station - you can't miss it!

When you find the one… stop looking

Note for The Boy…. you know how I give you hell when you don’t read my blog? I will forgive you if you don’t read this one… but just in case you do – I’ll spare some details.

This weekend the Boy was out of town and I said “Yes”

To the Dress.

This is going to take a while so let’s get started.

My search started where most searches begin these days, with Google.  Shortly after getting engaged (and by shortly I of course mean the next day) I got my first bridal magazine.  I found a dress I thought I might like, so I Googled the designer (Watters by Watters) and found another dress I loved. I loved everything about it.  I loved that it wasn’t strapless, not too poofy, I wouldn’t look like a cake, it was a little fun with the flowers. Lovely.  I started my for real, live and in person search last weekend with a store that was having a Watters trunk show at the end of the month.

After Googling “Trunk show” to learn what the hell that meant I understood that there would be sales at said show, but also more pressure to make a decision.  The store recommended that I come in before the show, try on some dresses so I would have an idea of what I was looking for when I came for the show.  Great.  Let the hunt begin!

Felicia was the first store.  Great news – they had the dress I originally had my eye on, plus a whole bunch more by the Wtoo and Watters.  I brought my Sista and my mom and off we went in a complete blizzard to try on dresses.  When I got to the original dress I tried it on and HATED it.

Lesson 1: You cannot judge a dress by a picture on the internet.

I tried on a bunch of other dresses and left the day feeling pretty good about my two favourites from that store.   I should note here that the consultant I had at Felicia was pretty good, she didn’t clamp me into any dresses which I later discovered is key, but she also didn’t pressure me at all.  Granted she knew I had an appointment for their trunk show, but nonetheless she also knew this was my first time looking brought me tons of different styles and suggestions.  A very relaxed first experience.  I also loved her for Lesson 2.

Lesson 2: When it comes to wedding dresses, turns out I am not busty.

WHAT? I could have kissed her! My big fear of strapless was I would feel like I was falling out of it, or I would constantly be pulling at it.  Apparently not the case. W-day dresses are made for super tall, and SUPER big racks. Mine actually looked on the small side.  Weird.

Moving on to the marathon

Since I found two that I really liked and they would be on sale at the end of the month, I took some lieu time on Friday and started a W-day marathon. I needed to know whether I was going back for the sale or not. I made 3 appointments on Friday afternoon and Saturday and invited my Mom and Sista (who happened to also have Friday off) and my lovely Godmother aka Mom #2.  Mom #2 couldn’t make it to the first appointment so my appointment at Becker’s Bridal was just with an entourage of 2 again.

My consultant here, Roza asked me what I was looking for, looked at my shape and told me to look around and pull what I liked and she would do the same.  They also had the two Watters dresses that I liked from the week before so she pulled one of those (the more detailed one for those that have clicked through).

I tried on a bunch, but definitely had a new favourite in the first one I tried there – one that Roza had pulled for me. At Becker’s I learned another valuable lesson.

Lesson 3: The jumper cable clamps on the back of a dress like they show on TV (Say Yes To the Dress styles) are key.  W-dresses are fitted to your body, so the clamps really give you a good idea of what each dress will look like in the end.

And another.

Lesson 4: I look firggin’ awesome in W-dresses! Excuse my modesty, but it turns out that curvy girls with boobs and hips look awesome in LOTS of different styles.

There were few styles of dress that looked terrible.  There were details about dress I may have hated, but the different shapes from ballgown, to A-line, to trumpet and mermaid all looked do-able.  But one style worked the best and that was dropped waist A-line.

I was getting to really know what I liked and what I didn’t.

I had a new favourite, but also had another 2 appointments booked and Mom #2 meeting us at the next one, so I said Good-bye to Roza and moved on.

The drama continues tomorrow – where my mom learned to use a camera and started taking pictures… of her knee.

How many stores/dresses did it take you?

YouTube Friday

In keeping with the rest of the week I thought I’d end off with a great Boy story for you, followed by a YouTube video that saved me at LEAST $100 I’m sure.

On Wednesday the Boy called me at work and asked if I would meet him at our local Starbucks to switch cars.  I agreed – no problem. He asked what my plans were for the evening since I would be on my own.  I said I was going to go see a guy about a phone… an iPhone that is!

With the Boy’s new job he needs a cell phone. The Boy has never had a cell phone.  But to accept supply teaching jobs he needs to be at the ready and at a phone – which means quit being stubborn and get with the 21st Century and get his very first cell phone.

The Boy asked why I was looking into phones now – he doesn’t need one for another 3 weeks! I said that my phone is crap. Not only is it crap but I pay $90 a month for it.  Can you believe that? So ridiculous! So I figured if the Boy needs a phone in 3 weeks and we can get a family plan for $100/month for BOTH of us – let’s just get on that as soon as possible.

He somewhat agreed and said I could “look into it.”  Meanwhile, we needed to meet at 4:30.

4:30 came.  I went to my car.  I turned the key and I heard clickclickclickclickclick and nothing.


My car won’t start. But since the lights worked I didn’t think it was the battery.

Wouldn’t it be great if the Boy had a cell phone so I could call him and let him know I was having car trouble?

No such luck.

So instead I used a human cell phone and sent my lovely friend from ahandmadestory over to our meeting place to send the Boy and his mechanical skills over to me.  Love that girl.  She graciously agreed.  Thanks again lady!

The Boy arrived and this is what happened:

Boy: What’s wrong?

Me: The car won’t start.  It just clicks, but the lights come on.

Boy: Keys?

I handed them over and the Boy tried his magic touch.  But no such luck.  Still only clicking. Boy popped the hood and tightened some things.

Boy: Try it again.


Me: Do you want to boost it? I have cables.

Boy: Nope. I think it’s the starter.  I’ve gotta go.  You need to take the bus. Okay? Gotta go. Bye!

And he left. He LEFT! Can you believe it?

Luckily my boss likes me and drove me home in the -20C weather.

Thursday the Boy calls me from work and says he asked the mechanic at work, he says to try and boost it. (Hmm… isn’t that what I said?)

I called Toyota.  Conveniently my work is a block away from the Toyota dealership.  Inconveniently that particular Toyota doesn’t have any kind of roadside help, and my car was too old for that to still be covered under warranty. Blast. They suggested trying to boost it.  If it worked, bring it right over.  If it didn’t I would need to call a tow-truck.

When Laura gave me her extra jumper cables the night before she said “I have an extra set, but I have no idea how to use them.  Try and find a man to help me is my strategy.”  Well, I called a man and he said “it’s broken and I’ve got to go.” I was done relying on men.

So I relied on YouTube! I taught myself. And because this is such an important skill, and because 3 men watched me do it myself with the assistance and moral support of two of my female coworkers – I’m passing it on!

This isn’t the one I found – but turns out YouTube is GREAT for this kind of thing.

The best part is at the end when your car starts (and mine did – turns out it was just the battery and not the starter) you can celebrate and yell


And you’ll be safer for it.

And after that… you can go and find yourself and your Boy iPhones! And stop paying so much for your cell phone bill. Hurray!

“Can you get me a beer?”

Last Friday I came home from work.  I had left my cell phone at home and had missed a call from the Sista so I called her back.  We discussed our plans for the weekend.  The Boy was pretty good and only asked me 2 questions while I was on the phone with her, “What is she doing tonight?” and “What are you talking about?”

Let me explain.

The Boy is a terrible person to have sitting next to you while you’re on the phone.  The Sista hates it, (which was actually what we were talking about).  He needs to be in the know.  He can’t wait 5 minutes until you’re off the phone.  He NEEDS to know now.  If you call us and we’re not home (or screening) you’ll hear my beautiful voice asking you to leave a message.  You’ll also hear the TV on in the background and the Boy asking me a question.  Probably something along the lines of what I was doing.

But I digress.

I got off the phone and the Boy had ants in his pants and asked me if I could get him a beer.  I said, “No.” He proceeded to pester me and ask over and over again for me to go into the freezing cold sun room and get him a beer.  My rationale? He had been home since 4:00, I got home 10 minutes earlier.  He was sitting on the same couch I was.  And he wanted the beer.  I wanted nothing.  This went on for a while.

He tried a few tactics including an effort at guilt, “If your sister asked you for a beer, you would get it for her.” I told him that I probably would, but she would know not to ask me when I had just walked in the door, she would wait for when I had already gotten up again, or at least given me some time to unwind.  He asked again.  I politely declined.

Then he asked, “What do I need to say to you that you’ll get me a beer?” Having just had a conversation about DanceBreak – the National Ballet’s discount tickets for ballet lovers under 29, I said “You can pinky swear me that we’ll go to a ballet in the next 6 months.”  He considered it.  And answered with “What if I told you I heard from the school board today?”

I was thrown off completely and answered, “and they said?”

He spelled it out for me – “I got the job!”

I was still confused.  I was still really fixated on the beer request. I was convinced he was making this up just to trick me into getting him the beer. I would get it, and he would say “just kidding!”  Let’s be clear, I was SURE he was going to get the job he applied to, but he wasn’t supposed to hear for another week at least.  He recognized I needed proof. He showed me the email.

After reading it completely I started to believe.  The Boy is officially an employed teacher. This is definitely bold underline and italics news!

He is going to mold young minds.

He couldn’t be happier and neither could I.

I got him the beer.

He is so sneaky

PS. I still made him pinky swear about the Ballet.

It all started with Pluto

My dad is a story teller.  Sometimes he’s criticized for telling the same story a few times… in the same evening.  But I love it, it’s just part of his charm.

Have you met Dad yet? Excuse the make-up free girl beside him. It's our most recent self-portrait.

Dad’s classic stories are about growing up in the North.  He’s told us about the day they rolled up the sidewalks – they were wooden when he was young and they rolled them up and poured concrete.  The local skating rink? Plowed by horses. Our reaction? “Wow Dad, you were like a pioneer!”  I’ve often wondered what about my childhood will my kids find ancient and bizarre.  Will it be that we played in the street? I hope not. Will their ability to tele-port put our mini-vans to shame? That might be fun.  It’s hard to foresee a paradigm shift.

But it started with Pluto.  When Pluto was no longer a planet, I thought this will be the story I’ll tell – “Back in my day we had 9 planets, the smallest and furthest was Pluto.” But the news I heard this week was much more disturbing than the abrupt loss of Pluto.  A change to our identities.  A change in the Zodiac signs.

Taurus Symbol

Image via Wikipedia

Now let me clarify.  I know very little about zodiac signs and horoscopes in general.  I only read my horoscope when I’m at my parent’s and flipping through the paper, on my birthday, or when MSN is having a slow news day and highlights the Horoscope page.  But I do know that I’m a Taurus.  A bull. Sensible, grounded, craving a stable and simple life… and maybe a little stubborn.  But no more.

Apparently the stars have changed and now I’m an Aries. An Aries? I know nothing about Aries. And it’s fine – I’ll continue to read the Taurus horoscope and stay true to my bull roots, but what worries me is the confusion this is going to cause my future children.  They will look for Aries qualities in me and when I say I’m a Taurus and Pluto is a planet they’ll look at me like I’m crazy.

Just when I thought I could come to terms with this I’m going in late to work today and I’m watching Regis and Kelly and Regis JUST announced that this will be his final season.  28 years he’s been doing this show.  28 years? What else is 28 years old? Oh wait that’s ME!

So it’s official.  Pluto is no longer a planet. I’m an Aries (the Boy is now a Taurus – not possible BTW), people with zodiac sign tattoos are screwed and Regis and Kelly will now just be “and Kelly.”  The world has officially been turned on its head.  Anyone else feeling chilled and disturbed?

Welcome Home Stevie

Many months ago the Boy asked what he got if we got engaged.  I got a ring.  Didn’t he deserve a present too? I told him that his present was me… for life.   He seemed to think that wasn’t a fair trade-off – I’m pretty sure I kicked him.

He seemed to think that if I got a ring, then he should get something he had been lusting over and dreaming about too.  A new TV.  I agreed, secretly thinking – yeah right you’ll get one when we register for it and someone gets it for us, we can’t get a new TV right now – we’re getting married!

Fast forward through engagement and the Boy comes to his senses and agrees, there are other things we could spend that money on right now.

But then. Then I came up with a plan.

Christmas! The Boy, is a boy. Which is to say he’s not the easiest to shop for. He’s a giant, so clothes are hard to fit – (though we recently discovered JCrew Tall – my world is completely changed).  He likes sports but he got new golf clubs a year ago (everything has to be custom with this kid – I picked an expensive mate).  He loves his Lululemon sweat pants, but I don’t think we should encourage him to wear them any MORE than he already does. So his parents typically have a hard time coming up with something for him. Since I knew this was something that he really wanted, and I would like it too – though wouldn’t call it a priority right now, we agreed to tell his parents to help us with our TV fund for Christmas.

It was a great idea! It was something that we would both like, but wouldn’t buy for ourselves.  The parents liked it too since that is some easy Christmas shopping. Christmas came and went and we ended up with a nice chunk of change to put toward our new TV. (Thanks again guys!)

A few days after Christmas we hit the stores.  Well, I hit the stores.  I looked around but had strict instructions from the Boy, “don’t buy anything I want to be there.”  A couple of days after that we hit the stores together.  I thought since we were shopping for something the Boy had been thinking about for a while he would be all over it.  He’d be well researched and know exactly what he was looking for.  WRONG.  The Boy shopped for a TV the same way he shops for everything, goes into a store selling the item he’s looking for, looks around, doesn’t ask questions, doesn’t pick anything up, doesn’t try anything on.  Looks around and shrugs “Yup, they’ve got _______ here.  We can go now.”  And leaves.  It is quite possibly the most frustrating experience ever. I do not recommend it.

We started at Costco, but the Boy felt we didn’t have adequate TV education to make a decision there… shopping around would be the sensible thing. So we went across the street to Best Buy and asked the guy there to teach us about TVs.  He told us the difference between Plasma and LCD, 1080p and anything less, and we learned about 60Hz and 120Hz.  And when we heard all there was to hear, I turned to the Boy to ask him what he thought now, he answered “I don’t know.  I still don’t know anything about TVs.” When I asked what more he would like to know, he said “I don’t know.  Let’s go somewhere else.” So we shopped around, to EVERY possible store that might sell TVs.  The last place we ended up was a sketchy rental place and found ourselves asking if they have any TVs for sale.  They did.  They had a 50″ LG Plasma for $525.

The first thing I thought was 50″ is WAY too big, especially in our tiny little apartment.  The second was I’m pretty sure these TVs are stolen.  The first thing the Boy thought? “Sold.”

After a great debate in the sketchy stolen goods store, we left to go home and discuss it more.

I won. Too sketchy and too big.

Last week we finally made it back to Best Buy to get the TV that fit our budget and met all of the recommendations that the internet and our original Best Buy information session told us, and of course the one I had picked in the first place.

We brought it home and the Boy insisted we set it up instantly (rather than eating dinner first and doing it later).  All set up, looking beautiful and the Boy went to tuck any wires neatly away when he stood up – BANG! CRASH! BLAM! He hit his head on the shelf we have above, a picture frame fell forward knocking an open oil defuser, which fell forward and just missed ruining our brand new TV by about 6 inches.

It smelled like potent fresh rain in our house, and we had perfume headaches for two days.  But we now have a lovely 40″ LCD 120Hz TV.   I took a cue from Friends, and named it Stevie.  Welcome to the family Stevie the TV!!

YouTube Friday

Well, this week was all about wedding.  Sorry if it was an overload – I’ve got a classic Boy story for you for next week – it involves shopping so you know that’s going to be good! But since it was all about W-Day this week I thought I’d share a couple videos that I came across in my blogosphere this week.

The first, how cute are these two with their Save the Date (or STD in the wedding world) video? And proposing in a book store – heaven!

Lex & Loren – Engagement/Save the date! from Loren Brinton Films on Vimeo.

The other is super cute too and even though what all brides freak about is the weather… even if it pours rain all day long – it’s still going to be the best day ever so who cares!

Coloma Country Inn Wedding – Singing in the Rain from Jensen Films on Vimeo.

I’ve been super firm on no wedding video – neither of us are home moviers so why would we bother… but the more of these I see… I’m not caving I’m just saying they’re so sweet!

I know – not embedded and you have to click out – sorry… but so worth it!
Happy Weekend!